Monday 21 May 2007

My life so far in zakynthos, its a rollercoaster, good job i like them. LOL

Well lets see, ah yes february i came to this lovely island to start the joys of paperwork, on my final day i needed one signature for the paperwork to progress and the woman had a day off and no one else could sign it, bugger.

Jump forward 2 weeks to my return to zakynthos middle of march, paperwork starts again, work on bar goes well and its ready to open 1st may.

OUCH! Dreaded wisdom tooth gives me so much pain extraction is needed which leaves me with serious side effects and wipes out my immune system. Damn you viruses, fever, headaches, cold, sickness, ill for 5 weeks. Ah the joys of teeth.

2 weeks into season still waiting on paperwork but then a message comes to me, "YOU CAN OPEN" only to be told by my accountant i need another 4 papers to go with the other 20 million i have before i can open. My paperwork has now wiped out half the amazon rain forrest.

Wed 16th may, easy rider almost becomes ghosts rider as i put my bike in a ditch and can't remember a thing, Those aliens are a bugger for wipping your memory clean after medical testing. Bike and rider are fine minor scratches and i'm trying to sue the alien Kodos of the planet Anusprobus16 but no answer on his mobile, bloody signal on that planet is crap.

Friday 18th may, still no sign of my final paper then Lord Lucan shows up (previous english bar owner) who has been off the island 18 months, what a lovely surprise to find out he still owns everything in the bar but all was sorted sunday morning so you won't get piles sitting on the floor now and the word was given to open Tueaday but i like surprises so i bet there will be another one tuesday. I can't wait.

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