Wednesday 21 May 2008

Zante season 08 so far and road works!

Well i would never have dreamt of such a busy start, from the 7th may i haven't closed any earlier than 3am and the latest 6am and most nights full or maybe 2 or 3 empty seats. its been amazing but then again i wasn't open in may last year and i'm doing 3 times the trade i was doing in june but lets not get to excited here folks June is a tricky month as its in between your early bird holidays and high season holidays so i'm thankful for having such a great start to season and lets hope it can continue.

As for the roads they are getting the tarmac down today on the old road but have started again on the main road but shouldn't be to long before its all finished and the roads will be good to drive on at the moment, it has been an absolute nightmare no matter what people say, i love this island as much as the next person but the phrase "rose tinted glasses" comes to mind with some peoples opinions on the road works.

Anyway heres some pics from today.

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